Become part of the Legends Tour
Play alongside a golf legend at the Swiss Seniors Open. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to play in a tour event. Make your dreams come true and secure your starting place on Friday, 11 and Saturday, 12 July 2025.
Alliance ProAm Competition
You will play for victory together with a senior professional during the first two days - you are guaranteed to win, because you will be one golf experience richer. The Alliance-ProAm offers amateurs the opportunity to play in a professional tournament under real Tour conditions. On the first two days of the tournament, a ProAm will be played parallel to the classic strokeplay tournament of the Legends Tour, with one tour professional and one amateur forming a team.
We have packaged your golf highlight in a tempting way! Enjoy an unrivalled golfing experience, from an exclusive package for individuals to a two-day stay at the luxurious Grand Resort Bad Ragaz with your companion. With us, you have the choice to organise a fascinating golf experience. Our packages not only include a guaranteed starting place in the tournament, but also first-class catering at 5-star level. Immerse yourself in the world of professional golf and treat yourself to an unforgettable time full of elegance and luxury.